Project 2
Research in Asian Architecture​
Tutor: Mr. Koh Jing Hao
Project Tasks & Overview
1. Gather a group of 6-7 people. From the observations gathered in Project, the group must identify a significant issue. Take one of the directions below to deepen your understanding of the structure.
Architecture and place identity
Adaptive re-use of traditional architecture
Sustainable heritage tourism
Cultural space in cities
2. Once you've decided on a direction, you'll need to conduct extensive literature reviews to identify specific issues/study significance, and then define the study's specific scope.
3. You must come up with a good research title that reflects the research purpose and specific scope of study, all while staying within the confines of the chosen research area and significance of study.
4. You must create a research poster to present your findings in a visual format. Guidelines for creating a research poster can be found in Appendix A.
5. You may use examples of other relevant architecture design in Asia to support your discussions and arguments, depending on the scope of your research.
6. A comparative study may be appropriate in some cases; however, it is recommended that you discuss this with your tutors before proceeding.
7. In the video presentation, your research findings will be presented and evaluated.